
Monday, February 9, 2015

Exciting News

Well guys, we've sure enjoyed the first couple months of marital bliss. It's been really great being just the two of us and having time to grow as husband and wife. And, as we all know, life loves to throw twists and turns at you and our newlywed just-the-two-of-us-here-in-Logan lifestyle is about to change. This blogpost is dedicated to the exciting news that we wanted to share with our family and loved ones. We are proud to announce to you all that coming this summer......

well, rather than tell you here's a picture,

after all a picture is worth a thousand words, 

(and so is an ultrasound):

We're moving to Alaska!!!

Chris and I have the opportunity to spend the full summer working in Juneau side-by-side. We will be running the front desk and small restaurant at Grandma's Featherbed - the cutest little bed and breakfast - between all our hiking adventures and camping trips. After much prayer and deliberation, as well as a much needed conversation with the all-knowing Aunt Julie, we have decided that this is the best decision for us. We are so excited for this once in a lifetime opportunity to live in a beautiful place and work together for 4 months. We will be back in Logan for Chris to be in school fall semester, and are sure that the Lord has great plans for my future employment upon our return as well. We will keep you updated with the details as we continue to iron them out and as it gets closer to our summer time adventure. 

Remember to pray and remember to play,
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew