
Sunday, February 28, 2016

The last cabin...

For our final week in Alaska, Dani and I topped it off with a night at THE LAST FOREST SERVICE CABIN accessible by foot: the Dan Moller cabin on Douglas Island. We've talked about someday building our own backcountry abodes in Utah and donating them to the Forest Service when we're older and have the means, but for now, we've certainly enjoyed our "Rustic Cabins of Southeast Alaska" tour. This one is by far the best built and roomy-est cabin, in part because the Juneau Snowmobile Club goes up there every winter and has made some big improvements on it. A massive four-bed loft, second-story balcony, and an effective propane heater made it pretty comfy up there.

We had a light rain at sea level, but after hiking into the mountains we we amazed by how much snow was still on the ground!

In the bowl behind Dan Moller.
Our favorite part of the afternoon.
We could overlook the valley approach from the front porch. 

This weekend we also did a quick bike/hike to Salmon Creek Reservoir before work. We hiked the ridge loop around this lake last summer, so it was cool to see what it looked like up close. Despite the snow in the mountain-tops, it's starting to feel like spring in Alaska!

Everything feels like it's coming to life with the moss getting greener.

This week was the perfect end to our wonderful stay in Juneau. My dad informed me of an opening as a medical assistant at his doctor's office, so I'll be working there as a student intern this summer while we wait for nursing school to start in August. Dani got her job as a riverguide back, and although I'm extremely jealous that she'll be on the water nearly every day, I'm so glad that I'll have this valuable opportunity in the medical field, especially because I'll get to learn from such a talented physician.

We're looking forward to lots of sun in Moab, but we'll sure miss our rainforest home in Juneau. We've made some unforgettable friends here and this place will always hold a special place in our heart as our "year-long honeymoon."

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