We were both able to return to work, and I especially got a lot of hours in. It was fun when we would work at the same time and then come home and make bets on who made more money that day.
Chris went to all his classes and studied super hard. Last week it was rough to get a lot of studying in, so he really took to the books and made sure he was back where he needed to be for all his classes. I'm so grateful that he understands the importance of education and really puts all he has into it so he can get a good job in the future to provide for our family.
Another big part of our week was researching nursing schools. Though Chris loves Utah State they don't have their own nursing program. Rather than just apply to schools in Logan we've decided to research different nursing schools throughout Utah and prepare to apply to a few different schools. We aren't yet sure what the future holds for us, but we are trying to prepare for it. We now know the requirements for getting in, and Chris is really applying himself to get into the best program for our family. We wouldn't mind a few extra prayers headed our direction as we continue this process of trying to get into the right program for us.
Now you're probably all wondering what I did with all my spare time why Chris was studying his brains out. And, as any good wife would reply, the answer is I got all homemaker-y. I deep cleaned our house (you know how it is after being sick - you feel like everything is dirty so you just tackle it all with full force), went grocery shopping, and started restocking some of our "food staples". Chris and I try to eat mostly healthy (or as healthy as we can on a student budget), and a big part of that for us is making food from scratch instead of buying processed, sugary food with labels full of words I don't know.
I made a batch of hummus, a staple for our fridge, but unfortunately there's no picture.
I made more granola: Chris's favorite and a must have for our pantry at all times.
I used Mom Andrew's awesome bread recipe! (And even remembered to cut it down since there's only two of us!)
And made a homemade spinach quiche. This is a Brading family recipe, but I had fun making adjustments to make it even healthier. Every week I try to make at least one good meal, and then we munch on those leftovers throughout the week since our schedules don't lend to nightly family dinners.
Luckily this weekend we were able to sneak some fun into our productive week. Chris's good friend Clint Young came up from Morgan, UT with his new lady Sadie and we all drove up Logan Canyon and had a fire. We roasted hot dogs for dinner and had a great time laughing with each other and getting to know Sadie. Chris and I gave our stamp of approval and are excited to see where things go for our friend!
On Sunday we had a beautiful sabbath day. We went to church early and had a great meeting with the bishopric. It was fun to have some time to get to know them on a more personal level and was just another reminder of what a wonderful ward we are a part of. Sunday evening we went over to our friend Andrew's house and had a chance to catch up with him. Have we told you yet that we are doing a no sugar month? Well we told Andrew and he was still making cookies when we showed up! That sure tested us, but we held strong and just nibbled on the chips and hummus we had brought.
Remember to pray and remember to play,
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew